1st Workshop on Human Computation in Digital Entertainment

at The Eighth Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment
Stanford, Palo Alto, California, October 8, 2012
Call for Papers

The penetration of the Internet into our daily lives, especially through social computing, has enabled instant access to massive groups of people almost unimaginable only a short time ago. The ability to leverage the knowledge and skills of individuals in these communities is radically changing the way we think of computation, artificial intelligence and how research is conducted in general.

The types of problems being explored using human computation are extraordinarily diverse, ranging from molecular biology, neuroscience, economics, social science, robotics, computer vision, machine learning and natural language processing. Although these fields are highly diverse, entertainment is emerging as a common thread that binds many of these approaches together.

In this workshop we would like to explore the relationship between human-computation and entertainment. We are particularly interested in how digital entertainment is being used to encourage human-computation and also how human-computation is contributing to entertainment. For example, one of the major impacts in this area is a growing body of research showing the engagement people have with games can be a more powerful motivator than monetary rewards in encouraging meaningful participation with a task. On the other hand, there have also been many compelling uses of crowdsourcing for creating digital content specifically for entertainment purposes.

In addition to exploring the relationship between these two concepts and the issues surrounding them, we have two other goals for this workshop. First, we would like to bring these normally disparate sets of fields together in order to share their experiences, best practices and insights with each other. Second, we would like to use this venue to introduce, and encourage collaboration with, researchers from other scientific fields with the AIIDE community who may not have had much exposure with each other.

Research Topics

-Using games and digital entertainment as a data collection platform
-Using games and digital entertainment to solve real world problems
-Design considerations for abstracting problems (what level is enough and how far do you have to go to achieve the best results).
-Crowdsourcing AI to improve games and gameplay
-Crowdsourcing content
-Integrating games research and mechanics into scientific games
-Interesting open problems related to human-computation and entertainment
-The limitations and dangers of human computation for interactive digital entertainment
-Ethical considerations in using human-computation for creating content, relying on non-expert data, etc.


We welcome submissions describing preliminary, ongoing and mature research. We will accept both long and short papers of up to 8 and 4 pages respectively. Long papers should present more mature or complete work, while short papers are free to explore less developed creative ideas. We are especially interested in demonstrations at all levels of development in and encourage all relevant submissions to include a demonstration. Demonstration only submissions should use the short paper format, but should not feel obligated to use the entire 4 pages.

All papers must be in
AAAI format.
Submission page: EasyChair

Update: We welcome papers accepted at the main conference as posters to resubmit to our workshop for the opportunity to give an oral presentation. However, be aware we cannot include your submission in our proceedings unless significant changes are made to the submission. If you have submitted to both places, please let us know.

Workshop Format

The workshop will intermix paper talks, round-table discussions and spotlight talks that will be organized into tracks based on the type and number of submissions.There will also be a significant amount of time for demonstrations, posters and social mixing.


April 17, 2012
Got accepted!

September 05, 2012
Schedule updated!


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